Mouse deer and Tiger. 18" x 24" acrylic on illustration board.  
This piece depicts a folktale from Indonesia where a mouse deer, the trickster of Indonesian culture, tricks a hungry tiger into trying on the "King's Belt" which is actually a cobra.
The Fall of a King. 16" x 20" acrylic on illustration board.
This English folktale tells the story of a black cat who had been crowned King of the Cats and is thrown off his fox mount during a dog hunt.
Urashima and the Dragon Palace. 11" x 17" gouache on illustration board.
In this Japanese folktale, a young man named Urashima rescues a turtle who takes him to visit the dragon palace under the sea.
The Weaving. Watercolor and ink on Bristol Board.
In this Finnish folktale, a mouse becomes the sweetheart of a young man and has to prove her marriageability through her weaving skills.
The Princess Mouse's carriage. Watercolor and Ink on Illustration Board.
After proving her excellent weaving skills, the princess mouse rides in her little nutshell carriage to be married to her sweetheart.
Bellerophon. 9" x 12" ink and scratchboard.
This represents the Greek myth of Bellerophon, the hero who tamed Pegasus (with a golden bridle given to him by Athena), and uses his new steed to defeat the previously unbeatable Chimaera. The ink wash is intended to reference the red figure painting style on Ancient Greek pottery.
Armadillo's Song. 9" x 12" Micron pen stippling on Bristol Board.
This Bolivian folktale tells the story of an armadillo that desperately wants to be able to sing, but is unfortunately incapable of accomplishing this feat. So the armadillo would go outside every day to listen to the songs of the frogs, the crickets, and the birds.
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